680 Program: (No Income Docs Required)
- Personal Credit reviewed for pre-approval for Business Credit Cards
- Personal Credit score on all three bureaus 680+ for you or a credit partner
- No bankruptcy or collection accounts (within last 7 years)
- Under 40% utilization on each revolving accounts
- No more than 4-6 inquiries per bureau in the last 6 months- preferably less
- No open(unpaid) collections, liens or judgments
- No late payments in 24 months
- Seasoned bank card trade lines 2K limit
- ( Must have a minimum of two (2) open revolving accounts with a year and a half to two years of good payment history )
- 9.9% – 11.99% success rate fee once funding is complete which can be paid with new card
- 0% interest for 6 to 18 months
- Soft pull for pre-approval
- Credit partners can be used if you do not meet the minimum requirements
We will need a recent Personal Credit Report – We require a 3rd party (All 3 bureaus) credit report from myscoreiq.com. My Score IQ provides the best credit report available for this program.
***If you have a Credit Freeze or Fraud Alert on your credit profile that will need to be removed for review.